6:45 p.m. Thursday, April 21, 2022
3:30 p.m. Sunday, April 24, 2022
“Zen practice helps us to become intimate with ourselves, and through this, with the world at large. Few joys are greater than practicing this with others.”
– Eihei Peter Levitt
Our Online (via Zoom) Spring Retreat
for Beginning and Experienced Meditators alike.
Appearing as early as the 6th century, the Hsin Hsin Ming is an extended verse attributed to the Third Chinese Chan (Zen) Ancestor, Sengcan, (pronounced Seng-tsan), who directly follows Bodhidharma and his heir, Huike in the traditional Zen lineage. Its beautiful, clearly articulated text is often considered the first lucid and comprehensive statement of Zen, with a special focus on dualistic attachments and the fundamental nondual reality of what human beings and all things are. This elegant blend of Daoist and Buddhist understanding will be the foundation of our April 2022 Sesshin. Versions of the Hsin HsinMing will be provided to all participants.
Thinking you hold the root,
you hold only a branch,
a stem — why not let
your hand become a hand again,
empty as the root you seek?
—Peter Levitt
One Hundred Butterflies
This retreat combines home-based seated and walking meditation, dharma talks, discussion, and study in traditional and creative ways.
Eihei Peter Levitt; poet, translator, founding teacher Salt Spring Zen Circle will be joined by other sangha members to lead this retreat.
Registration fees for the sesshin are on a sliding scale from $75-$200.
Donations for teachings gratefully accepted.
For Information and Registration please click Here